Our Services

Our Business Model

Rental Package

Standard Packages with reverse logistic

Custom Package

Tailor-made design with branding

How Reverse Logistics Work

Online Store

Online store chooses the preferred size of the Eco Remballer package(s).

Online store pays rentper usageof the package.

Online store integrates an e-shop module whereby a consumer can choose Eco Remballer

package at check-out and pay the deposit fee.

Eco Remballer provides the necessary instructions for the module and the content.


Consumer buys a product from the online store and chooses Eco Remballer package at checkout.

Consumer pays a returnable deposit at checkout.

When the order is delivered, the consumer scans the QR code on the empty pack and drops it at the recommended nearest collection center.


Eco Remballer is responsible for collecting and sorting the returned packages.

Once we have collected the used packages we will refund the full deposit to the consumer.

The packages will be re-distributed back to the online store.

NB! The deposit is not refunded when the consumer decides to keep the package (for gifting, storage, etc.).